What is your discord name/ID? Z̶a̶n̶e̶.̶#1223
What is your Steam ID/Steam Profile Link? (https://steamidfinder.com) STEAM_0:0:525827534
Do you have a Microphone? yes
Do you have any prior staff experience? ive been co-owner/dev on a few servers. i was mod on mafiaRP for awhile and i was also staff on the old VietnamRP server.
How active can you be on the discord & server? i can be active everyday for at least 3 hours.
Why would you like to become staff? i want to become staff because i feel like it will be a fun server to staff on, i also want to get to know the community more.
Anything else we should know? nah
What is your Steam ID/Steam Profile Link? (https://steamidfinder.com) STEAM_0:0:525827534
Do you have a Microphone? yes
Do you have any prior staff experience? ive been co-owner/dev on a few servers. i was mod on mafiaRP for awhile and i was also staff on the old VietnamRP server.
How active can you be on the discord & server? i can be active everyday for at least 3 hours.
Why would you like to become staff? i want to become staff because i feel like it will be a fun server to staff on, i also want to get to know the community more.
Anything else we should know? nah