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Raven's application
What is your discord name/ID? Sane#1046  1086205671776718898

What is your Steam ID/Steam Profile Link? (https://steamidfinder.comhttps://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198239400966  (STEAM_0:0:139567619
Do you have a Microphone? Yes

Do you have any prior staff experience? Yes, Including server management aswell if that is needed and I would be more than glad to do that aswell.

How active can you be on the discord & server? 8/10 I have intense school hours 

Why would you like to become staff? I would like to become staff, Cause I feel like I can add to the team with alot Including my skills of management leadership and moderation as an entirety, I strafe to improve the community and perhaps the entirety of the moderation team

Anything else we should know? Yes, It would be a honor

If possible I would also want to be a GM alongside a staff member
+1, decent application.
Igoflex, WW2 Administrator for Imperium Gaming

**ACCEPTED** DM a senior admin + on Discord for an interview. also if you could elaborate on that experience it would be awesome

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