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Arkady's Staff App for VietnamRP
What is your discord name/ID?
What is your Steam ID/Steam Profile Link?

Do you have a Microphone?
Do you have any prior staff experience?

Icefuse Elite Administrator, SGN Head of Staff, StarfellRP Head of Moderation, WSN Super Admin
How active can you be on the discord & server?
Discord- 2-3 hours a day, but always reachable within a couple of hours. In-Game - at least 3 hours a day on weekdays, 5+ on weekends
Why would you like to become staff? 
There are several reasons why I want to join the staff team, for one I think I would make a great addition to the team. I would also like to contribute to the staff team by helping lower ticket times and promoting activity on the staff team and server as a whole. I also want to join the staff team, because I’ve been in scenarios where other staff members have motivated me into joining and I have a great interest in helping out the community as more than just a player. I also want to help new players find where they have to go branch-wise and help teach them the rules of the server so that this community stays fair and fun. After all, new players are crucial to keep a server up and running.
Anything else we should know?

My DMs are always open if anyone has any questions about my app or my experience
+1, good application.
Igoflex, WW2 Administrator for Imperium Gaming

+1, pretty solid application

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